The word superstar is bandied around far too loosely nowadays. It used to be that Jesus Christ was a Superstar, but now we have athletes, and every second person on the current overload of amateur talent shows. What with the way that young people are bastardising the English language, random no longer means random, sick no longer means sick, not to mention wicked which no longer means wicked, do we still have an english language, are the academics taking note and rewriting the dictionary? What ever happened to the Queen’s English?
This brings me to another of my pet hates, older people trying to be young and hip, (is hip still a term used now or am I showing my age), by using today’s jargon. Don’t even get me started on social media jargon, that is a whole other language.
Today has not been a great day for me, I seem to have about one a week. I was feeling quite down in the dumps and very sorry for myself, the power of positive thinking, where are you, come back to me.
Well that’s it for me today, totally random, fully sick, wicked. Lol! (Lots of love, Laugh out loud, Lots of laughs…..Take you pick!)
Filed under: My view of the world Tagged: Graham, Life, That's life, Thoughts of a middle aged man